Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hello lovlies!

How is everyone's 2104 going so far? How about those resolutions? I hope that you are all working hard at trying to keep up with those goals!

This year, I really want to get in shape and healthy. This is usually my goal almost EVERY year, but I never seem to be able to reach it. I think that this is going to be my year! I have signed up for a 5k that is at the Philadelphia Zoo, so I am hoping that this will be my motivation to get me into a healthy mindset. I sprained my ankle back in October and it has not healed 100%, but I am gradually trying to get back into running as well as some strength training. So far, so good!

I took these pictures at the gym the other day. I usually take pictures in a bikini so I can see the comparison, but since this is public I am going to keep is PG.  :)

As you can see I am not EXTREMELY large or anything, but I do want to lose some of the extra fat around my arms/thighs/belly. This is what the CDC says when it comes to my BMI for my height and weight:

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 145 pounds

Your BMI is 26.5, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height.

For your height, a normal weight range would be from 101 to 136 pounds.
People who are overweight or obese are at higher risk for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

With that in mind, I would have to get to 136lbs to even be considered a healthy weight. A BMI of 22 is considered "ideal," so in oder to get to that BMI, I will have to shed 23lbs. Now that might not seem like that much, but for a small person like me, it is pretty hard to shed. The last time I got my body fat measured, I was at about 29% body fat. YIKES. My plan is to drink at least 64 oz of water a day, try and eat clean and within a range of 1350-1500 calories, and to run/cross train and strength train 4 days a week. My current pace is about 13:30 minutes per mile, and by the time my 5k comes I want to try to have it down to an 11:30 minute per mile. I am excited to see the changes I have made by February!

What are your New Year Resolutions?

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Hello all!

My name is Samantha and I am from Philadelphia. I am 25 live with my boyfriend and our puppy Floyd.

I have decided to write this blog because it will be a good way to channel both negative and positive energy that I have day to day. There are many goals that I want to accomplish, and I feel like getting it out here for all to see will be  great way to MAKE me do the things that I want to accomplish. I want to feel happiness and joy each and every day. I want to do things that fill me with excitement. I want to share these things with all of you.

I got the name for my blog from my father. When we were young, he called my sister "Kelly Cornbread," my brother, "Johnny No Butt," and me, "Samantha Red Pants." I have no idea where he came up with these names. I just had a recent trip to Florida visiting my brother and he reminded me of this nickname that I had completely and regretfully forgot about.

My dad passed away when I was 15 due to an accidental drug overdose. It was and still is hard when I think or talk about it. It was the ten year anniversary of his death this passed summer, and my best friend celebrated in the best way possible; we went to Sea Isle City, NJ where we spent summer vacation every year. We went to the beach, had dinner by the bay, and watched the sunset at the inlet. Stacy suggested I buy flowers to put in the water which was perfect. A few years earlier, my brother and mother went to the inlet to spread his ashes, so it was a really great gesture. I think it is kind of poetic, his ashes are where the bay meets the ocean.

Samantha Jole